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Shu-Jin Luo

Peking University, School of Life Sciences

Member since 2005.
My research field is genomic diversity and evolution and I have been based at Peking University, China, since 2009, after receiving Ph.D. from University of Minnesota in 2006 and a postdoc post at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland. Our research bridges the traditional fields of wildlife ecology and biogeography to the cutting-edge advances in genomics and bioinformatics. I was the leading researcher to elucidate the tiger’s molecular evolutionary history and identified the Malayan tiger as a subspecies named Panthera tigris jacksoni. My more recent work involves the identification of the genetic basis of the white tiger pelage and the Asian short-tailed domestic cats, and population genomic studies on multiple Asian felids including the tiger, leopard, leopard cat, fishing cat, marbled cat, golden cat, and the Chinese mountain cat.


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