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José F. González-Maya

ProCAT Colombia/ProCAT Internacional (Costa Rica), Universidad Autónoma Metropilitana - Unidad Lerma (México)

Member since 2013.
I am a Colombian-Costa Rican biologist, with a MSc in Conservation from CATIE Costa Rica and a PhD from UNAM Mexico. I currently serve as Scientific Director for ProCAT Colombia and ProCAT Internacional (Costa Rica) and as Professor-Researcher for the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Unidad Lerma (México), and was re-appointed as Co-chair of the IUCN SSC Small Carnivore Specialist Group. My research is mainly focused on the ecology and conservation of wild cats and other carnivores, as well as prey, including assessment and planning, ecology and human dimensions of conservation and the interface between science, public and policy making. I have published over 130 scientific publications about ecology and conservation, mostly in the Neotropics. I have received numerous awards including the Future for Nature Award, the William T. Hornaday conservation award and the Oliver P. Pearson award from the American Society of Mammalogists, the Friends of the Academy award from the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales and the Jorge Ignacio Hernández conservation award and the Alberto Cadena Award from the Colombian Mammalogical Society.



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