Jason V. Lombardi
Wildlife Health Laboratory, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
I am a carnivore population and landscape ecologist and have conducted applied research on wild felids since 2012. I have my M.S. in Forestry from Stephen F. Austin State University and Ph.D. in Wildlife Science from the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Texas A&M University-Kingsville. I have studied bobcats (since 2012), ocelots (since 2016), puma, jaguar, and jaguarundi (since 2021), and African leopard (since 2022). I currently serve as the California large carnivore research coordinator overseeing puma research and conservation efforts, and am actively involved in ocelot reintroduction efforts in Texas and other felid projects. I am keenly interested in research focused on ecological patterns and processes that influence the dynamic interactions of felid populations and other carnivores, habitat types (vegetation, land cover, climatic), and anthropogenic pressures (development, roads, urbanization) at multiple spatial scales.