Audrey Ipavec
Africa Range-Wide Cheetah Conservation Initiative / Zoological Society of London
I am a wildlife ecologist, based in Cotonou, Benin for my job as the Regional Coordinator for North, West and Central Africa of the Africa Range-Wide Cheetah Conservation Initiative (CCI) which is funded by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation (HGBF) with support from the Zoological Society of London. I have worked for them since 2013 in the capacity of Regional Coordinator for which my role is to support cheetah and African wild dog range states to develop and implement Regional Strategies and National Conservation Action Plans, working through a network of National Cheetah/Carnivore Coordinators. The CCI works with a wide range of conservation programmes, field projects and government wildlife authorities to promote and support interventions and activities that directly and effectively address threats on wild cheetah populations; the three pillars of our work can be summarised as Communities, Capacities and Corridors. My academic qualifications are: 2007 PhD in Environmental Sciences (ENSAR-Agrocampus Renne, France); 2001 MSc in Environment and Development (IRD, Orléans / CIRAD, Montpellier, France); 1999 MSc in Animal Productions in Tropical Regions (CIRAD, Montpellier, France).