IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Sun, H. 2001 Poaching and anti-poaching activities
Conference Proceeding
Sun, H. 2001 A survey of distribution and number of leopards in eastern Heilongjiang Province China
Conference Proceeding
Sunarto, S. 2006 Ecology of Tigers and Their Prey in Riau, Sumatra
Sunarto, S. 2011 Ecology and restoration of Sumatran tigers in forest and plantation landscape
Full Book
Sunarto, S.; Kelly, M.J.; Klenzendorf, S.; Vaughan, M.R.; Zulfahmi, Z.; Hutajulu, M.B.; Parakkasi, K. 2013 Threatened predator on the equator: multi-point abundance estimates of the tiger Panthera tigris in central Sumatra
Oryx (47)
Sunarto, S.; Kelly, M.J.; Parakkasi, K.; Hutajulu, M.B. 2015 Cat coexistence in central Sumatra: ecological characteristics, spatial and temporal overlap, and implications for management
Journal of Zoology (296)
Sunarto, S.; Kelly, M.J.; Parakkasi, K.; Klenzendorf, S.; Septayuda, E.; Kurniawan, H. 2012 Tigers Need Cover: Multi-Scale Occupancy Study of the Big Cat in Sumatran Forest and Plantation Landscapes
PLoS ONE (7)
Sunarto, S.; Klenzendorf, S.; Hutajulu, M.B.; Kelly, M.; Vaughan, M.; Nichols, J. 2007 Sumatran Tigers in Riau: Estimating the Abundance in Three Major Habitat Types
Conference Proceeding
Sunarto,; Sollmann, R.; Mohamed, A.; Kelly, M.J. 2013 Camera trapping for the study and conservation of tropical carnivores
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (28)
Sunarto,; Widodo, E.; Priatna, D. 2008 Rajut Belang - Better management practices guideline for oil palm plantations and industrial forestry plantation in supporting tiger conservation
Full Book
Sunarto,; Widodo, E.; Priatna, D.; Bastoni,; Rahadian, D.; Lorenzo, E.; Susanto, P.; Suhandri, 2008 Rajut Belang - Panduan Perbaikan Praktik Pengelolaan Perkebunan Sawit dan Hutan Tanaman Industri dalam Mendukung Konservasi Harimau Sumatera
Full Book
Sundaram, K.K. 1972 The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
Sundararaj, V.; McLaren, B.E.; Morris, D.W.; Goyal, S.P. 2012 Can rare positive interactions become common when large carnivores consume livestock?
Ecology (93)
Sundberg, J.P.; Montali, R.J.; Bush, M.; Phillips, L.G.; O'Brien, S.J.; Jenson, B.; Burk, R.D.; van Ranst, M. 1996 Papillomavirus-associated focal oral hyperplasia in wild and captive Asian lions
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (27)
Sunde, P.; Kvam, T. 1997 Diet patterns of Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx_: what causes sexually determined prey size segregation?
Acta Theriologica (42)
Sunde, P.; Kvam, T.; Moa, P.; Negard, A.; Overskaug, K. 2000 Space use by Eurasian lynxes _Lynx lynx_ in central Norway
Acta Theriologica (45)
Sunde, P.; Overskaug, K.; Kvam, T. 1998 Culling lynxes_ Lynx lynx _related to livestock predation in a heterogeneous landscape
Wildlife Biology (4)
Sunde, P.; Overskaug, K.; Kvam, T. 1999 Intraguild predation of lynxes on foxes : evidence of interference competition?
Ecography (22)
Sunde, P.; Stener, S.O.; Kvam, T. 1998 Tolerance to humans of resting lynxes _Lynx lynx_ in a hunted population
Wildlife Biology (4)
Sunderland, T.C.H. 2005 A biodiversity assessment of the Monte Mitra forest, Monte Alen National Park, Equatorial Guinea
Full Book
Sunderlin, W.D.; Ndoye, O.; Bikie, H.; Laporte, N.; Mertens, B.; Pokam, J. 2001 Economic crisis, small-scale agriculture, and forest cover change in southern Cameroon
Environmental Conservation (27)
Sunquist, F. 1985 Why Cats are Cats and Dogs are Dogs
International Wildlife (15)
Sunquist, F. 1996 Cat cameos
Wildlife Conservation
Sunquist, F. 1993 In your Face
International Wildlife
Sunquist, F. 1992 Cheetahs closer than kissing cousins
Wildlife Conservation
Sunquist, F. 1997 Snow leopards
International Wildlife (January/February 1997)
Sunquist, F.; Sunquist, M.E. 2000 New look at cats
International Wildlife
Sunquist, M. 2010 What is a tiger? Ecology and behavior
Book Chapter
Sunquist, M.; Karanth, K.U.; Sunquist, F. 1997 Ecology, behaviour and resilience of the tiger and its conservation needs
Book Chapter
Sunquist, M.E. 1991 The ecology of the Ocelot: The importance of incorporating life history traits into conservation plans
Full Book
Sunquist, M.E. 1996 Tiger Pause
Wildlife Conservation
Sunquist, M.E. 1994 The Bornean bay cat
Sunquist, M.E. 1983 Dispersal of three radiotagged leopards
Journal of Mammalogy (64)
Sunquist, M.E. 1981 The social organization of tigers (_Panthera tigris_) in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Sunquist, M.E.; Leh, C.; Sunquist, F.; Hills, D.M.; Rajaratnam, R. 1994 Rediscovery of the Bornean bay cat
Oryx (28)
Sunquist, M.E.; Mishra, H.R. Habitat utilization and movement patterns of tigers and their prey: Implications for management and reserve design
Full Book
Sunquist, M.E.; Sunquist, F. 1998 Changing landscapes: consequences for carnivores
Conference Proceeding
Sunquist, M.E.; Sunquist, F. 1983 The tiger singles scene
Natural History (83)
Sunquist, M.E.; Sunquist, F.; Dancke, D.F. 1989 Ecological separation in a Venezuelan llanos carnivore community
Advances in Neotropical Mammalogy
Suraci, J.P.; Smith, J.A.; Clinchy, M.; Zanette, L.Y.; Wilmers, C.C. 2019 Humans, but not their dogs, displace pumas drime their kills: An experimental approach
Scientific Reports (9 )
Suresh, N. 1992 Trade in animal skins thrives on loopholes
Suryawanshi, K.R. 2013 Human-carnivore conflicts: Understanding predation ecology and livestock damage by snow leopards
Full Book
Suryawanshi, K.R.; Bhatia, S.; Bhatnagar, Y.V.; Redpath, S.; Mishra, C. 2014 Multiscale factors affecting human attitudes toward snow leopards and wolves
Conservation Biology (28)
Suryawanshi, K.R.; Bhatnagar, Y.V.; Mishra, C. 2012 Standardizing the double-observer survey method for estimating mountain ungulate prey of the endangered snow leopard_ _
Suryawanshi, K.R.; Bhatnager, Y.V.; Redpath, S.M.; Mishra, C. 2013 People, predators and perceptions: patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and wolves
Journal of Applied Ecology (50)
Suryawanshi, K.R.; Redpath, S.M.; Bhatnagar, Y.V.; Ramakrishnan, U.; Chaturvedi, V.; Smout, S.C.; Mishra C., 2017 Impact of wild prey availability on livestock predation by snow leopards
Royal Society Open Science (4)
Sutherland, W.J.; Armstrong-Brown, S.; Thomas, C.D.; Armsworth, P.R.; Brereton, T.; Brickland, J.; Campbell, C.D.; Chamberlain, D.E.; Cooke, A.I.; Dulvy, N.K.; Dusic, N.R.; Fitton, M.; Freckleton, R.P.; Godfray, H.C.J.; Grout, N.; Harvey, H.J.; Hedley, C.; Hopkins, J.J.; Kift, N.B.; Kirby, J.; Kunin, W.E.; Mac Donald, D.W.; Marker, B.; Naura, M.; Neale, A.R.; Oliver, T.; Osborn, D.; Pullin, A.S.; Shardlow, M.E.A.; Showler, D.A.; Smith, D.A.; Smithers, R.J.; Solandt, J.-L.; Spencer, J.; Spray, C.J.; Thompson, J.; Webb, S.E.; Yalden, D.W.; Watkinson, A.R. 2006 The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK
Journal of Applied Ecology (43)
Sutito, A.S.B.; Lubis, A.; Sayuti, A.; Angraini, D.E.; Priatna, D.; Rumapea, E.E.; Khilman, E.; Suyanti, E.; Wahyudi, H.A.; Wibisono, H.T.; Fahmi, I.; Rejeki, I.S.; Wasillah, I.; Manansang, J.; Goodrich, J.; D'Arcy, L.; Alam, M.; Aritonang, M.W.; Jacob, M.; Wawandono, N.B.; Deswita, R.; Wahyuni, R.R.; Sartono,; Sumampau, T.; Windarti,; Wardana, W.; Bagja, W.; Pusparini, W. 2012 Penyelamatan Harimau Sumatera - Panduan praktis dokter hewan dalam penanganan harimau korban konflik di Sumatera
Full Book
Sutomo, 2006 Potensi keberadaan mangsa macan tutul (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809) di koridor antara gunung halimun dan gunung salak
Full Book
Sutton, A.E.; Downey, M.G.; Kamande, E.; Munyao, F.; Rinaldi, M.; Taylor, A.K.; Pimm, S. 2017 Boma fortification is cost-effective at reducing predation of livestock in a high-predation zone in the Western Mara region, Kenya
Conservation Evidence (14)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)