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Sunde, P.; Overskaug, K.; Kvam, T.
Intraguild predation of lynxes on foxes : evidence of interference competition?
1999  Ecography (22): 521-523

There is growing focus among ecologists on the importance of predatory interactions between competing species, but because of its mixed character. It is difficult to pinpoint the possible, competitive component of the interaction. We tested degree of prey consumption in intraguild predation of Eurasian lynx on red fox against assumed pure predation i.e. reo deer and mountain hares. The proportion of uneaten fox carcasses was highly significantly larger than the proportion of both other prey species, indicating that interference competition may play a role in intraguild predation of lynx on red fox.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)