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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            522 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Viljoen, S. 2017 Wildlife health in human-modified landscapes: epidemiology of tick-borne pathogens affecting black-backed jackals and caracals
Full Book
Funston, P.; Henschel, P.; Petracca, L.; Maclennan, S.; Whitesell, C.; Fabiano, E.; Castro, I. 2017 The distribution and status of lions and other large carnivores in Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga National Parks, Angola
Full Book
Khorozyan, I.; Soofi, M.; Soufi, M.; Hamidi, A.K.; Ghoddousi, A.; Waltert, M. 2017 Effects of shepherds and dogs on livestock depredation by leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in north-eastern Iran
Mazzolli, M.; Haag, T.; Lippert, B.G.; Eizirik, E.; Hammer, M.L.A.; Al Hikmani, K. 2017 Multipe methods increase detection of large and medium-sized mammals: working with volunteers in south-eastern Oman
Oryx (51)
Pirie, T.J.; Thomas, R.L.; Fellowes, M.D.E. 2017 Increasing game prices may alter farmers' behaviours towards leopards (_Panthera pardus_) and other carnivore in South Africa
PeerJ (5)
Aguilar, L. 2017 What, where, why: a survey of Felidae populations at Enashiva Nature Refuge, Tanzania
Full Book
Amstislavsky, S.Y.; Kozhevnikova, V.V.; Muzika, V.V.; Kizilova, E.A. 2017 Reproductive biology and a genome resource bank of Felidae
Russian Journal of Developmental Biology (48)
Acha, A.; Temesgen, M.; Bauer, H. 2017 Wildlife depletion and Its Associated Factors in Chebera-Churchura National Park, South Ethiopia
World Journal of Zoology (12)
Acha, A.; Temesgen, M.; Bauer, H. 2017 Human-Wildlife Conflicts and their associated Livelihood Impacts in and Around Chebera-Churchura National Park, Ethiopia
Society & Natural Resources (31 )
Aboutayeb, H.; Beraaouz, M.; Ezaidi, A. 2017 The Great Catchment of Souss-Massa Wadi (Morocco): Relationship Between Protected Areas and Ecotourism
Book Chapter
Ahlers, N.; Creecy, J.; Frankham, G.; Johnson, R.N.; Kotze, A.; Linacre, A.; McEwing, R.; Mwale, M.; Rovie-Ryan, J.J.; Sitam, F.; Webster, L.M.I. 2017 'ForCyt' DNA database of wildlife species
Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series (6)
Madrova, M. 2017 Ebolavirus host prediction
Full Book
Rais, M. 2017 Loss of Megafauna species from Pakistan
Conference Proceeding
Goitom, A.H. 2017 Identification of the putative urinary intraspecific recognition pheromone of the caracal _Caracal caracal_
Full Book
Vuvu Makaya, J. 2017 Conservation of biodiversity in Luki Biosphere Reserve
Full Book
Bruce, T.; Wacher, T.; Ndinga, H.; Bidjoka, V.; Meyong, F.; Ngo Bata, M.; Olson, D. 2017 Camera-trap survey for larger terrestrial wildlife in the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon
Yaound‚, Cameroon: Zoological Society of London (ZSL) & Cameroon Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF)
Kerley, G.I.H.; Behrens, K.G.; Carruthers, J.; Diemont, M.; du Plessis, J.; Minnie, L.; Tichardson, P.R.K.; Somers, M.J.; Tambling, C.J.; Turpie, J.; van Niekerk, H.N.; Balfour, D. 2017 Livestock predation in South Africa: The need for and value of a scientific assessment
South African Journal of Science (113)
Megaze, A.; Balakrishnan, M.; Belay, G. 2017 Human-wildlife conflict and attitude of local people towards conservation of wildlife in Chebera Churchura National Park, Ethiopia
African Zoology (52)
Rich, L.N.; Miller, D.A.W.; Robinson, H.S.; McNutt, J.W.; Kelly, M.J. 2017 Carnivore distributions in Botswana are shaped by resource availability and intraguild species
Journal of Zoology (303)
Sogbohossou, E.A.; Aglissi, J. 2017 Diversity of small carnivores in Pendjari biosphere reserve, Benin
Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies (5)
Rduch, V. 2017 Is there predation pressure on Puku-antilopes (_Kobus vardonii_) in Kasanka national park Zambia?
Zeitschrift des K”lner Zoos (2)
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Sollmann, R.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Slotow, R.; MacDonald, D.W.; Henschel, P. 2016 Effects of human land-use on Africa's only forest-dependent felid: the African golden cat _Caracal aurata_
Biological Conservation (199)
Rich, L.N.; Miller, D.A.W.; Robinson, H.S.; McNutt, J.W.; Kelly, M.J. 2016 Using camera trapping and hierarchical occupancy modelling to evaluate the spatial ecology of an African mammal community
Journal of Applied Ecology
di Cesare, A.; Laiacona, F.; Iorio, R.; Marangi, M. 2016 _Aelurostrongylus abstrusus_ in wild felids of South Africa
Parasitology Research (115 )
Jones, A.L. 2016 The potential overlap in habitat space of caracal (Caracal caracal) and blue duiker (Philantomba monticola) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: an environmental niche modelling approach
Full Book
Li, G.; Davis, B.W.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J. 2016 Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae)
Genome Research (26)
Mukherjee, S.; Athreya, R.; Karunakaran, P.V.; Choudhary, P. 2016 Ecological species sorting in relation to habitat structure in the small cat guild of Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh
Full Book
Ramesh, T.; Kalle, R.; Downs, C.T. 2016 Space use in a South African agriculture landscape by the caracal (_Caracal caracal_)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (63)
Anile, S.; Devillard, S. 2016 Study design and body mass influence RAIs from camera trap studies: evidence from the Felidae
Animal Conservation (19)
Breider, M.J.; Goedmakers, A.; Wit, P.; Niezing, G.S.; Sila, A. 2016 Recent records of wild cats in the Bo‚ sector of Guinea Bissau
Cat News (63)
Moqanaki, E.M.; Farhadinia, M.S.; Tourani, M.; Akbari, H. 2016 The caracal in Iran - current state of knowledge and priorities for conservation
Cat News Special Issue (10)
Stratford, K.; Weise, F.; Melzheimer, J.; de Woronin-Britz, N. 2016 Observations of servals in the highlands of central Namibia
Cat News (64)
Alvarado-Rybak, M.; Solano-Gallego, L.; Millan, J. 2016 A review of piroplasmid infections in wild carnivores worldwide: importance for domestic animal health and wildlife conservation
Parasites & Vectors (9)
Avenant, N.L.; Drouilly, M.; Power, R.J.; Thorn, M.; Martins, Q.; Neils, A.; du Plessis, J.; Do Linh San, E. 2016 A conservation assessment of _Caracal caracal_
Book Chapter
Boudreaux, M.K.; Barnes, S.M. 2016 Comparison of the activation peptide regions of protease-activated receptors (PAR) in members of the Family Felidae
Veterinary Clinical Pathology (45)
Lane, E.P.; Brettschneider, H.; Caldwell, P.; Oosthuizen, A.; Dalton, D.L.; du Plessis, L.; Steyl, J.; Kotze, A. 2016 Feline panleukopaenia virus in captive non-domestic felids in South Africa
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research (83)
Casamitjana, J.; Tsang, J.; Flocken, J.; Lajoie, S.; Moos, S. 2016 Killing for trophies - An analysis of global trophy hunting trade
Full Book
Sinovas, P.; Price, B.; King, E.; Davis, F.; Hinsley, A.; Pavitt, A. 2016 Southern Africa's wildlife trade - an analysis of CITES trade in SADC countries
Full Book
Fraser, L.-M. 2016 A zooarchaeological study of four iron age sites in north-eastern Botswana
Full Book
Holness, S.; Driver, A.; Todd, S.; Snaddon, K.; Hamer, M.; Raimondo, D.; Daniels, F. 2016 Biodiversity and Ecological Impacts: Landscape Processes, Ecosystems and Species
Book Chapter
Makin, D.F. 2016 Varying degrees of fear: how do large herbivores adjust their anti-predator behaviour in response to different predators?
Full Book
Jansen, C. 2016 Diet of key predators responsible for livestock conflict in Namaqualand, South Africa
Full Book
Martinez-Marti, C.; Jimenez-Franco, M.V.; Royle, J.A.; Palazon, J.A.; Calvo, J.F. 2016 Integrating occurrence and detectability patterns based on interview data: a case study for threatened mammals in Equatorial Guinea
Scientific Reports (6)
Prinsloo, S.; Plumptre, A.J.; Ayebare, S.; Kityo, R.; Behangana, M.; Akite, P.; Mugabe, H.; Kirunda, B.; Clausnitzer, V. 2016 Nationally Threatened Species for Uganda
Full Book
Al Hikmani, H.; Al Hikmani, K.; Zaabanoot, S.; Al Shahari, T. 2016 First camera trap record of caracal kittens in Oman
Cat News (66)
Zahn, T.M.G. 2016 Skull morphological integration and evolution of skull morphology in Feliformia (Carnivora: Mammalia)
Full Book
Augustsson, E. 2016 Activity patterns of large carnivores in a fenced conservation area in Laikipia District, Kenya
Full Book
Rich, L.N. 2016 Monitoring and Conserving Wildlife Communities across Northern Botswana
Full Book
Kaczensky, P.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2015 Rapid assessment of the mammalian community of the Badhyz Ecosystem, Turkmenistan, October 2014
Full Book
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Mills, D.; Hunter, L.; Henschel, P. 2015 _Caracal aurata_, African Golden Cat
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)