Depredation and compensation


von Arx, M., Breitenmoser-Wuersten, Ch., Zimmermann, F., and Breitenmoser, U. (Eds.).
Extract of the data and information on depredation and compensation in the Balkan countries 1996-2001.

From: Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe in 2001.




Kaczensky, P. 1998.
Schadenaufkommen und Kompensationssystem für Luchsschaeden in Europa.
Schriftenreihe des Landesjagdverbandes Bayern 5: 41-45. Reddemann, J., Feldkirchen, Landesjagdverband Bayern.

Report on the damage caused by the lynx, wolf and bear in Europe. Discussed are the main species killed, which kind of husbandry is concerned, and which measures could be taken.




Genov, P. and Kostava, V. 1993.
Untersuchung zur zahlenmaessigen Staerke des Wolfs und seine Einwirkung auf die Haustierbestaende in Bulgarien.

Z. Jagdwiss. 39: 217-223.

Data collected between 1984-1988 concerning the number of wolves, and the damage caused by these wolves in Bulgaria.




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