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Studi Sebaran Spasial Aktivitas Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) di SPTN V Lubuk Linggau, Sumatera Selatan, Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat
2009  Full Book

Sumatran tiger is one of the three subspecies that still exist in Indonesia. This species was protected by the law. Estimation of their population in the nature about 400-500 individuals (Siswomartono _et al_, 1994). Sumatran tiger is carnivore animal and it means their life dependent on existence of their preys and it became one condition for life persistence of Sumatran tiger. This research was held in SPTN V Lubuk Linggau, Kerinci Seblat National Park, South Sumatra, from June 29th until December 9th 2008. The aims of research are to knowing type of spatial dispersion pattern on sumatran tiger activities, to acknowledge a relationship between type of activities with habitat characteristic and also to mapping spatial dispersion pattern on Sumatran tigers activities in each type of forests. Data collection using line transect method and indirect encountered method (footprints, scrape, scratch, feces and cover) monitoring was done in four type of forests, that are lowland forest (0-300 mdpl), hill forest (300-800 mdpl), submountain forest (800-1400 mdpl) and mountain forest (>1400 mdpl). There are 28 data collected from indirect encountered method. It shows how many activities of Sumatran Tigers, which are walking, scraping, scratching, defecating and taking cover. Result from data analysis shows that chi square (7,227) is biggers than x2 table (5,99). The relation between tiger activities with habitat characteristic is show using chi square test. Calculation result using chi square (21,16) and x2 table = 15,507 proving type of activities has a relationship with habitat characteristic in research area. Result of the research also showing the activities have cluster spatial dispersion. It is related with components of habitat like preys, water and cover (structure of vegetation and forests formation), disturbance like hunting, logging and natural resources exploitation. The conclusion of these research shows that spatial dispersion on Sumatran tiger activities are clumped. Result from Sumatran tiger activities shows that tiger is more active on hill forest. Sumatran tiger activities are influence by habitat characteristic. Walking activities can be known on the area near the river because of the soil tecsture are sand and clay.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)