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Afnan, E.M.A.
Studi Karakteristik dan Preferensi habitat Macan Tutul (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809) di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
2009  Full Book

Javan leopard is the only big cat in Java. Its dispertion is limited in Javan and Kangean island. Javan leopard in ecosystem have role as a top predator that control population of its preys. Javan leopard condition become endangered because to many suppressed to their population and habitat not equal to its conservation effort. This research was conduct for 3 months from November 2008 to Januar 2009 in Ujung Kulon National Park. Data that collected are habitat characteristic including structur and composition of its vegetation, availability of preys, water, and cover, also activity encounter of Javan leopard. Data was collected using vegetation analysis method for vegetation and line transect method for preys inventory. Habitat of Javan leopard in Ujung Kulon National Park is a lowland forest, coastal forest, and mangrove forest. Javan leopard has preference to their habitat (c2arithmetic = 18,42 and c2table = 5,991). Habitat of Javan leopard like the most is coastal forest (w=1,64) and habitat of javan leopard unlike the most is mangrove forest (w=0,07). Habitat characteristic of Javan leopard in Ujung Kulon National Park are having structure and composition of it's vegetation that not too close, availability in preys, water, and cover.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)