IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Perovic, P.G.; Rojo, J.
Geoffroy's cat in Salta Province, a potentially interesting area for subspecies
2012  Cat News (57): 12-13

The biggest part of Geoffroy's cat's _Oncifelis geoffroyi _distribution is located in Argentina. In the nortwesthern part, three subspecies exist on a broad scale. Nevertheless, due to few records, their limits and possible superposition are not clear on a finer scale. On top of that, taxonomic confusion exists to assign subspecies. In this study we realized a small camera trap survey as part of a broader project. Surprisingly we obtained two records of Geoffroy's cat with a coat pattern different from the pattern known from earlier records, assigned to the subspecies _O. geoffroyi salinarum_. Because it is not possible to assign our photos to subspecies, we conclude that taxonomic, genetic and more morphologic studies are needed to confirm subspecies present in this interesting area and to update species and subspecies distribution maps.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)