IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Mendoza, E.; Martineau, P.R.; Brenner, E.; Dirzo, R.
A novel method to improve individual animal identification based on camera-trapping data
2012  Journal of Wildlife Management (75): 973-979

We present a novel method to improve individual identification of animals based on camera-trapping data. The method combines computer tools and human visual recognition to help multiple users to reach identification agreement. Application of this method to a bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) picture database from the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve resulted in a progressive increase in identification agreement between 2 users, as measured by the adjusted Rand index (ARI). An initial ARO value of 0.28 increased to a final value of 0.84 (1= maximum agreement). In contrast, comparison involving random picture groupings consistently rendered low ARI values (<0.05). The numbers of individuals named by the 2 users decreased from initial values of 46 to 43 to final values of 25 and 29, respectively. The tool presented here will help researchers and wildlife managers to identify individual mammals and monitor populations.  

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)