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Gil-Sanchez, J.M.; Moral, M.; Bueno, J.; Rodriguez-Siles, J.; Lillo, S.; Perez, J.; Martin, J.M.; Valenzuela, G.; Garrote, G.; Torralba, B.; Simon-Mata, M.A.
The use of camera trapping for estimating Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_) home ranges
2011  European Journal of Wildlife Research (57): 1203-1211

The use of non-invasive long-term monitoring data to estimate home ranges of the critically endangered Iberian lynx has been evaluated. This programme began in 2002 and consisting of both annual latrine and camera-trap surveys, with the aims of detecting and individually identifying the maximum number of individuals and delineating female home range boundaries. Radio-tracking data were used to evaluate the accuracy of home range estimates constructed with camera-trapping data. There was little overlap of camera-trapping home ranges (7.0%ñ1.47), which suggests the existence of real territories consistent with the land tenure system expected for the species. Camera trapping home range estimates were half the size of radio-tracking data (54.1%ñ6.0 of overlapping). When comparing core areas, only the radio-tracking data did not yield improved results (36.7ñ5.4 of overlapping). Estimation of territories, which escaped detection each year, ranged from 0.0% to 5.7%. The results produced by camera-trapping data in this non-intrusive monitoring programme could be considered precise, and are therefore well suited to provide the knowledge required for appropriate conservation of this endangered species.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)