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Hutajulu, B.; Sunarto,; Klenzendorf, S.; Supriatna, J.; Budiman, A.; Yahya, A.
Study on the Ecological Characteristics of Clouded Leopard in Riau, Sumatra
2007  Conference Proceeding

Recent studies have diagnosed the distinction of Clouded Leopards in Indonesia (_Neofelis diardi_) from those in the mainland Asia (_N. nebulosa_). Due to the elusive, nocturnal and arboreal habits, studies are considered very difficult which imply on the lack of information needed to suggest specific conservation measures for this endangered species. The availability of camera traps allows us to investigate basic ecological aspects of the Indonesian Clouded Leopard. We estimated the density and occupancy of Clouded Leopards with standard Capture-Mark-Recapture and detection-nondetection analyses using camera trapping data set up in Tesso Nilo - Bukit Tigapuluh Conservation Landscape, May 2005 - December 2006. We accumulated 13,406 effective camera trap nights, covered 1,240 km2 effective sampling area, and photographed 12 individuals. We estimated the density of Clouded Leopards of 1.29 ñ 0.54 (ñ SE) individuals per 100 km2, occupancy (› ñ SE) of 0.40 ñ 0.04; and detection probability (P ñ SE) of 0.38 ñ 0.07. We also investigated other ecological characteristics of the cats such as the habitat use, time of active and other aspects that can be derived from the camera trapping data. Based on the findings, we formulated recommendation for the conservation of the species that include monitoring of key potential habitat, connecting habitat patches, decreasing poaching, and population monitoring.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)