IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Szczesna, J.; Popiolek, M.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalczyk, R.
The first record of _Aelurostrongylus abstrusus _(Angistrongylidae: Nematoda) in Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx _L.) from Poland based on fecal analysis
2006  Wiadomosci Parazytologiczne (52): 321-322

Thirty eight fecal samples of Eurasian Lynx (_Lynx lynx L._) collected in Bialowieza Primeval Forest (E Poland) in years 2001-2004 were analysed. The presence of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (L1) larvae was evidenced by use of decantation and flotation methods. The general prevalence of the infection recorded during the study was 21.1%, whereas mean intensity was 11,5 (1-33 larvae per sample). To our knowledge, this is the first case of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus recorded in Euroasian lynx, lungworm.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)