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Guil, F.; Agudin, S.; El-Khadir, N.; Fernandez-Olalla, M.; Figueredo, J.; Domˇnguez, F.G.; Garzon, P.; Gonzalez, G.; Mu¤oz-Igualada, J.; Oria, J.; Silvestre, F.
Factors conditioning the camera-trapping efficiency for the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
2010  European Journal of Wildlife Research (56): 633-640

Camera trapping is the most used method for surveying medium-sized carnivores in Spain. The main target for these surveys has been the Iberian lynx, the most endangered cat in the world. The Iberian lynx conservation program has received the largest EU LIFE projects grant. So, efficiency is a key goal for managing this grant. During 2003 and 2007, we have applied these funds to the survey of the Iberian lynx in Eastern Sierra Morena (Spain). Using two different techniques, we have studied both to see which is the most efficient. The survey developed in active latrines resulted more efficient than that of scent stations and live prey camera trapping throughout the years, although there has been a variation between years. Otherwise, the live prey method has been the one providing the greatest speed and number of pictures per entrance. We suggest that cameratrapping surveys can be improved in terms of efficiency for a wide range of species, or at least for the Iberian lynx. To improve the results, cameras might be placed in relation to breeding territories. With this determinant, camera-trapping surveys would be shorter than 120 days. Finally, we suggest how those surveys for medium carnivores should be designed.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)