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Beltr n Gala, J.F.
Base bibliogr fica de especies amenazadas: el lince ib‚rico
1987  Full Book

As direct descendente of ancestral lynxes originated in Africa, the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardina), an endemic from the Peninsula, expanded up to Central Europe during the Pleistocene (almost a million years ago) its distribution coinciding with another lynx species (though of an Asian origin), the Boreal lynx (Lynx lynx). The adaptation (biometry ecology, energetics) towards its staple prey, the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) has defined the Iberian lynx as a characteristic species of the mediterraean habitats. However, the regression of its number, that began at about the middle of XIXth century and stressed by mixomatosis from 1950-1960, probably determined its disappearance from more northern habitats.- Being a species nationally an internationally strictly protected, the little effectiveness of laws make the factors menacing this species`s survival (trap poaching, ``monterias``, and habitat destruction by replacing exotic arboral species) go on rarefying its scarce populations. Today the species is confined only to some ranges of the southwestern quadrant of the Peninsula an the Donana National Park.- An noticeable cause por its regression is the scarce scientific information published on its biology. Aspects of its distribution, reproduction, craniometry, activity, use of space, social organization an mortality, have been appearing in notes, sometimes not sufficiently verified. Donana is the area where the lynx ecology is better known. A doctorate thesis (on feeding ecology an prey use), a mastership work (on energetic requirements) have been written, together with another doctorate thesis in an analysis of results stage on circadian activity, space use, dispersion and mortality. At present a third one that will let know the social organization of the species is being started.-To warrant the species conservation the fulfillment of the current laws both in protection an in conservation is required. A series of measures (at short an long terms) are proposed.

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