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Httner, M.; Nakao, M.; Wassermann, T.; Siefert, L.; Boomker, D.F.; Dinkel, A.; Sako, Y.; Mackenstedt, U.; Romig, T.; Ito, A.
Genetic characterization and phylogenetic position of _Echinococcus felidis_ Ortlepp, 1937 (_Cestoda: Taeniidae_) from the African lion
2008  International Journal for Parasitology (38): 861-868

_Echinococcus felidis_ had been described in 1937 from African lions, but was later included in _Echinococcus granulosus_ as a subspecies or a strain. In the absence of any genetic characterization, most previous records of this taxon from a variety of large African mammals remained unconfirmed due to the lack of diagnostic criteria and the possible confusion with the sympatric _E. granulosus_ sensu stricto, _Echinococcus ortleppi_ and _Echinococcus canadensis_. In this study, we obtained taeniid eggs from lion feces in Uganda and amplified DNA from individual eggs. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences showed similarities with those of other _Echinococcus_ spp., but high values of percentage divergence of mitochondrial genes indicated the presence of a distinct species. In a second step, we compared this material with the preserved specimens of adult _E. granulosus felidis_, which had been identified morphologically approximately 40 years ago in South Africa. All DNA fragments (<200 bp) that could be amplified from the adults showed 100% similarity with the Ugandan material. In the phylogenetic tree of Echinococcus which was constructed from the mitochondrial genes, _E. felidis_ is positioned as a sister taxon of _E. granulosus_ sensu stricto. The data obtained will facilitate the development of diagnostic tools necessary to study the epidemiology of this enigmatic parasite.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)