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Shepherd, C.R.; Nijman, V.
The wild cat trade in Myanmar
2008  Full Book

A total of 1320 wild cat parts, representing an absolute minimum of 1158 individual animals were observed during 12 surveys carried out in Myanmar (formerly Burma) between 1991 and 2006. These parts represented all eight species of wild cats found in Myanmar. Under Myanmar's Protection of Wild Life and Wild Plants and Conservation of Natural Areas Law (State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No.583/94.1994) only five of eight species of native wild cats are protected. Large numbers of parts from totally protected cat species were observed openly displayed for sale during these surveys. Protected species (Tiger _Panthera tigris_, Leopard _P. pardus_, Clouded Leopard _Neofelis nebulosa_, Marbled Cat _Pardofelis marmorata_, Asiatic Golden Cat _Catopuma temminckii_) were offered in similar numbers as non-protected species (Fishing Cat _Prionailurus viverinnus_, Leopard Cat _P. bengalensis_, Jungle Cat _Felis chaus_), but species that are globally threatened are offered in significantly larger numbers than non-threatened species. This, and the frankness of the dealers, suggests a serious lack of enforcement effort to prevent this illegal trade, and highlights the threat that trade poses to already threatened species.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)