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Organ, J.F.; Vashon, J.H.; McDonald Jr., J.E.; Vashon, A.D.; Crowley, S.M.; Jakubas, W.J.; Matula Jr, G.J.; Meehan, A.L.
Within-stand selection of Canada lynx natal dens in northwest Maine, USA
2008  Journal of Wildlife Management (72): 1514-1517

Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) were listed as threatened in the contiguous United States under the Endangered Species Act in March 2000. Little information on lynx ecology at the southern extent of their range was available at the time of listing, and no ecological studies had been conducted in the eastern USA. Between 1999 and 2004, we investigated habitat selection at natal dens in northern Maine to address questions on the importance of forest conditions to denning requirements. We compared within-stand characteristics of 26 den sites to general characteristics of the stands containing dens. We used logistic regression to identify components within stands that distinguished natal dens from the residual stand and used the information-theoretic approach to select models that best explained lynx den-site selection. The topranked model had 2 variables: tip-up mounds of blown-down trees and visual obscurity at 5 m from the den (wi=0.92). Within-stand structure was useful for predicting lynx den-site selection in managed forests in Maine and suitable denning habitat did not appear to be limiting.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)