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Moen, R.; Burdett, C.L.; Niemi, G.J.
Movement and habitat use of Canada lynx during denning in Minnesota
2008  Journal of Wildlife Management (72): 1507-1513

Establishing whether conditions are suitable for reproduction would help determine if immigration is necessary for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) to persist at the southern edge of the species range. We located den sites and monitored reproduction of radiocollared lynx in Minnesota from 2004 to 2006. Movement rates of denning females measured with Global Positioning System collars were similar to movement rates of lynx elsewhere. Female lynx with kittens used different habitat types in predenning, denning, and postdenning periods. Landscape composition at the scale of the foraging radius around a den site contained more lowland conifer, upland conifer, and regenerating forest than did home ranges or the area used by radiocollared lynx in Minnesota, USA. We used the spatial distribution of cover-type composition around known den sites to predict and map potential denning habitat in northeastern Minnesota. Techniques for identifying the spatial distribution of suitable denning habitat provide a biological basis for management actions that could enhance recovery of Canada lynx populations in the southern part of the species range.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)