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Walker, S.; Novaro, A.
Second Report on the Multinational Initiative to Determine the Status of the Andean Mountain Cat and Priorities for its Conservation
2003  Full Book

In 1999 a group of researchers from several countries studying the Andean mountain cat formed the Committee for the Conservation of the Andean Cat (COCGA) and agreed to initiate a multinational project to 1) determine the status and current distribution of the Andean cat, 2) evaluate the protection it receives from the protected areas in each country of its distribution, 3) evaluate potential connectivity between isolated populations, 4) identify areas where further protection is necessary, and 5) develop local and regional strategies for its conservation. The project was initiated in June 2001 with funding from the Cat Action Treasury (CAT), and is being coordinated by Susan Walker and Andr‚s Novaro. In the first stage, which was described in the first report in September 2001, we developed an initial map of potential habitat, based on all area above 3500 m between 9 degrees and 35 degrees S, and all recent records of the Andean cat throughout its range. Since that time, groups of researchers have carried out surveys in parts of Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru where information on the distribution of the species was lacking. Here we present an update on the project, with information on the surveys carried out over the last year and a half.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)