IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Khan, A.A.; Beg, M.A.
Food of some mammalian predators in the cultivated areas of Punjab
1986  Pakistan Journal of Zoology (18): 71-79

Scats of the Asiatic jackal, desert fox, and jungle cat, collected from cultivated areas of the Punjab, were examined for the remanents of vertebrate preys only. The diet of the jackal comprised mainly of rodents (81%) and birds (16%). The average number of rodents per scat was 1.75 +/- 0.129 (N=110). B. bengalensis was the most intensively utilized species among the rodents. Remanents of juveniles and old specimens of the rodents were predominant in the scats of the jackal. About 81% of the scats of the fox had remains of small mammals in them, whereas amphibians and reptiles were represented in about 22% of them. Seventy percent of the scats of the jungle cat contained body remanents of small mammals. Birds, and amphibians and reptiles were represented in 10% of the scats.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)