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S nchez, J.L.; Molina, J.; Sambl s, F.J.; Virg¢s, E.
New data on the Iberian lynx _Lynx pardinus_ (Temminck, 1827) populations in the south of Ja‚n province (southern Spain)
1998  Galemys (10): 121-127

The current distribution of the iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in the south of the Jaen province (southern Spain) has been described through reliable personal interviews, field work und literature for the last seven years. Results show that some lynx subpopulations remain in the southern mountains of the province, close to Granada (where the species still remains) as well as in the Guadiana Menor area. Although it was not possible to confirm breeding within the population, the current distribution of the species seems to be somewhat broader than the 1988 one. The measures needed for the conservation and improvement of the species situation in this area go through the banning of non-selective control methods and the restriction of rabbit control activities and extensive agricultural policies which remove the original vegetation.

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