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Aldama, J.J.; Delibes, M.
Some preliniary results on rabbit energy utilization by the Spanish lynx
1990  Acta Vertebrata Do¤ana (17): 116-121

The lynx disgestion efficiency fed with rabbits was examined following the additive energetics model discussed by Grodzinski and Wunder (1975). The main objective of this work was to determine the metabolizable energy obtained by lynxes from wild rabbits. It was estimated: 1) the fresh biomass that the lynx did not use from each killed rabbit, 2) the gross energy intake of the consumed biomass, 3) the energy lost in faeces and consequently the digested energy, and 4) finally, the metabolizable energy.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)