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Cuzin, F.
Current distribution and status of large wild mammals of Morocco (Primates, Carnivores, Artiodactyla)
1996  Mammalia (60): 101-124

Owing to numerous recent data, the present geographical distribution and status (according to IUCN 1994) of all the twenty-four wild species of Primates, Carnivores and Artiodactyla in Morocco are updated. For some of them an estimation of numbers and a map showing their distribution are displayed. Lepard, cheetah and dama gazelle are critically endangered. Striped hyaena, caracal, dorcas gazelle, Cuvier's gazelle and aoudad are endangered. Golden jackal, common otter and scand cat are vulnerable. Barbary macaque, red fox, Ruppell's sand fox, fennec fox, weasel, Libyan striped weasel, ratel, common genet, egyptian mongoose, African wild cat and wild boar, although decreasing, still maintain considerable populations. Relevant information is inussicient for European polecat, as for introduced red deer. The causes of wild mammals regression and the problem of their protection are briefly analysed.

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