IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Zheltukhin, A.S.
Daily activity and sizes of home ranges of the lynx in the southern taiga of the upper Volga USSR river region
1984  Bjulleten' Moskovskogo Obscestva Ispytatelej Prirody / Otdel biologiceskij (89): 54-62

Results of long-term winter lynx tracking (610 km) are analyzed. The night and twilight active movements of the lynx comprise 96-98% of the above-mentioned distance. The mean length of daily movement is 10.1 km. A net structure of home ranges was revealed. The home ranges of 2 males were 130 and 250 km2, respectively, and that of a female was 70 km2. The adjacent territories of the individual animals are not isolated but overlap partly.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)