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Kowalski, K.; Rzebik-Kowalska, B.
Mammals of Algeria
1991  Full Book

The existence, since the 12th c.B.C. Of Phoenician settlements on the north-western coast of Africa, and the emergence of Carthage since the 9th c.B.C., were the reasons why this region, and thus its animal world, were by no means unknown to ancient scholars. In the 5th c.B.C., the Greek scholar Herodotus enumerated the animals living on the North African coast: elephants, lions, bears, horned donkeys. The same author mentioned other animals living in the hinterland: small foxes, jackals, hyenas, panthers, antelopes, wild sheep, porcupines as well as three kinds of rats, in which he included hedgehogs. However, according to him, deer and wild boar were not present in Africa.

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