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Garcia-Perea, R.; Gisbert, J.; Palacios, F.
Review of the biometrical and morphological features of the skull of the Iberian lynx, Lynx pardina (Temminck, 1824)
1985  Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (32): 249-259

Fifty-four osseous specimens of _Lynx pardina_, most of unknown sex, were studied. The criterium of Valvere & Hidalgo (1973), confirmed by the data from the specimens of known sex, was used to determine the sex of the rest of the adults in the sample. The cranial biometry of male and female adults of Lynx pardina was studied separately, revealing significant differences between sexes in most of the variables examined, the males being larger than the females. Likewise, the cranial dimensions of Lynx pardina were compared with those of Lynx lynx found in the literature, observing that Lynx lynx was larger, with no overlap in the ranges of the variables. Finally, we analyzed the variability in Lynx pardina of seven morphological characteristics of the skull and teeth (interorbitary convexity, temporal lines, presphenoid, condylar foramina, Mt metaconid, maxillopalatine sureres and horizontal palatine plates), reviewing their diagnostic value. The comparison with Lynx lynx demonstrated that only the first five features, taken as a group, were valid for differentiating these species.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)