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Aldama, J.J.; Delibes, M.
Field observations of Spanish lynxes (Felis pardina) playing with prey in Donana, south-west Spain
1991  Journal of Zoology (225): 683-684

Play behaviour is well documented in felids, but the funcional significance of this activity remains unclear. Moreover, most of the information conserning play in felids has been provided by observations of domestic and/or captive individuals as free-living wild felids are usually rare, solitary and frequently nocturnal. In this note we report some observations of two free-living Spanish lynxes (_Felis pardina_), a juvenile and an adult, playing with wild rabbits (_Oryctolagus cuniculus_) in Do¤ana, south-west Spain.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)