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Rau, J.R.; Beltran, J.F.; Delibes, M.
Can the increase of fox density explain the decrease in lynx numbers at Donana?
1985  Revue d'‚cologie (La terre et al vie) (40)

The number of red foxes (_Vulpes vulpes_) has increased dramatically over the last few years in the Do¤ana National Park (S.W. Spain) whereas a noticeable decrease in the numbers of lynx (_Lynx pardina_) has apparently taken place during the same period. The Spanish authorities and private organizations concerned with nature conservation related both phenomena, and called for measures to control Fox numbers. In order to determine whether competitive pressures might have affected the already endangered Lynx population we will attempt here to use the data available on Fox and Lynx abundance and food habits to provide a preliminary answer to the questions raised, pending further research.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)