IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Mendelssohn, H.
Felids in Israel
1989  Cat News (10): 2-4

Despite its small area, Israel has a relatively rich fauna, due to its location at the crossroads of three continents and because of the large variety of habitats and climates. Carnivores are represented by 17 species: one viverrid, one hyaenid, five canids, five mustelids, and five recent felids. Two additional felids have become extinct. The lion Panthera leo existed until the time of the crusaders, and the cheetah Acinonyx jubatus was last seen in southern Israel in 1959. The five recent species of felids occurring in Israel are: wildcat Felis silvestris tristrami, sand cat F.m.margarita, jungle cat F.chaus furax, caracal F.caracal schmitzi and leopard Panthera pardus, that is now represented in Israel only by the subspecies P.p. nimr.

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