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Deraniyagala, P.E.P.
A new subspecies of jungle cat from south India
1955  Spolia Zoyhnia (27): 291-291

The jungle cat Felis cham Guldenstadt 1776 exists as a number of subspecies ranging from the Caspian area to Indo-China. In India there is F. c. afinis Gray of the Himalayas, F. _c. _kutas Pearson of Bengal, F.c. prateri Pocock of Scind, and F. c. kelaarti of Ceylon and Southern India. It is the last nubspecies that is now discussed as it actually comprises two forms. Pocock after examining one immature skin from Ceylon and six from south India stated that ' Ceylon has been chosen as the typical locality for the race a being the most southern country where F. cham occurs. Such a method is open to criticism. He states that dorsally this race is very uniformally colored, dominantly grey, black and white speckled, with the spinal stripe ochreous, and gives the following skull dimensions of the Indian animals mentioned above.

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