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Ferreras, P.; Aldama, J.J.; Beltran, J.F.; Delibes, M.
Rates and causes of mortality in a fragmented population of Iberian lynx Felis pardina Temminck, 1824
1992  Biological Conservation (61): 197-202

Data are presented on mortality rates of the Iberianlynx Felis pardina in Do¤ana National Park and the surrounding area in southwestern Spain, collected from 1983 to 1989. Data from radio-tagged lynxes and records of lynx mortality were used to assess causes of death. Annual mortality rate, estimated by using Heisey and Fuller methodology, was 0.37. Human activities were the main cause of lynx mortality in this mainly fully protected area, either directly (illegal trapping: 41.7%; road traffic: 16.7%; hunting with dogs: 8.3%) or indirectly (artesian wells: 8.3%). Only 8.3% of the annual mortality can be related unequivocally to natural causes. Sex, age, social status, year, and home range situation influenced mortality rates. The trend of this lynx population during the seven years of study revealed serious threats to its survival. This case study exemplified how a small population can approach extinction because of increased mortality due to habitat fragmentation, despite full protection of the main portion of its range.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)