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Delibes, M.
Factors regulating a natural population of Iberian lynxes Reintroduction of predators in protected area, Torino
1989  Conference Proceeding

The title of my communication can be misleading. Usually, regulation refers to density-dependent mechanisms able to keep a population close to the carrying capacity of the habitat.. However, a lot of factors act modifying this carrying capacity in our fast changing developed world. On the other hand, natural population suggests a lack of human influence, something like pre-human conditions of life. But this situation does not occur in Western Europe even in the more protected areas, as it is in the Do¤ana National Park. Therefore, I will summarize our studies on the factors affecting the size of a non introduced Iberian lynx population in Southwestern Spain. I hope we will be able to obtain some general conclusions, useful for the planning of reintroductions, from this particular case.

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