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Silveira, M.L.; Crizel, L.; da Silva Souza, D.; Loebmann, D.
Carcasses removal and review of records of wildlife road-kill in a protected area in southern Brazil
2018  Oecologia Australis (22): 96-103

Herein, we describe an event of wildlife road-kill and quick carcasses removal in the Esta‡Æo Ecol¢gica do Taim (ESEC Taim), a protected area of Pampa Domain, Southern Brazil. Additionally, we provided a review of the published records on wildlife road-kill at ESEC Taim. Road surveys may be biased due to removal of carcasses from roads by factors such the presence of scavengers in open areas and traffic intensity. Thus, records of the rates at which carcasses are removed from roads are crucial for researches correcting the road-kill estimates and understanding more accurately the impact caused by road-kill on the fauna.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)