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Loock, D.J.E.; Rend¢n-Franco, E.; Williams, S.T.; van Niekerk, J.; Swanepoel, L.H.
Viral Prevalence in wild serval population is driven by season and sex
2021  EcoHealth (18): 113-122

One of the key factors influencing the population dynamics of threatened species such as felids is disease, but long-term studies of the factors influencing seroprevalence of wild felids are extremely rare, hindering conservation efforts. We set out to determine seroprevalence of six viral diseases (feline panleukopenia virus, feline leukemia virus, feline coronavirus, feline calicivirus, feline herpes virus, and feline immunodeficiency virus) among a population of serval (_Leptailurus serval_) with an extremely high density in South Africa. We captured 55 individuals over four years and screened blood samples for antibodies to each virus. We found that seroprevalence were high (ranging from 30.0% positive for a single virus to 1.8% positive for up to five viruses) and that seroprevalence was influenced by season and sex, but not body condition. We suggest further monitoring of this population and recommend that long-term studies are conducted for serval and other felids to determine whether these trends are representative on a broader scale.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)