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Figueir¢, H.V.
Genomic analysis of the jaguar (_Panthera onca_): characterization of the complete genome and investigation of regions under selection through interspecific and population comparisons
2016  Full Book

In the past 10 years, high throughput sequencing has revolutionized evolutionary biology. With the technical advances that emerged with the genome sequencing of model species, it is now possible to apply these techniques to taxonomic groups without any previously available genetic resources. Complete genome sequencing and reduced representation methods have enabled us to explore deeper evolutionary questions, such as detecting ancient hybridization and signatures of selection on a genomic scale. Among the groups that could benefit from these methods is the _Panthera_ genus. The group is composed by five species (_P. onca_, _P. tigris_, _P. leo_, _P. pardus_ and _P. uncia_), all of which are large felids that exert important ecological role as apex predators in their habitats. Their low densities, alarming rates of habitat loss and chronic conflict with humans, all of them are threatened with extinction in the wild and thus important targets for conservation. One of the species in this group, the jaguar (_P. onca_), is the only member of the genus currently present in the Neotropical region, and the focus of our study. The jaguar has a color pattern similar to that of the leopard, but a much more robust constitution, with massive jaws and shorter limbs. The present study aims to characterize for the first time the jaguar genome, and to perform comparative analyses with the genomes from all other Panthera species. In addition, we seek to perform population genomic analyses with Brazilian jaguar populations and search for signatures of divergent selection in different regions.

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