IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Gurjar, R.L.; Chhangani, A.K.
Photographic evidence of desert cat _Felis silvestris ornata_ and Caracal _Felis caracal_ using camera traps in human dominated forests of Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India
2018  International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (5): 461-465

We recorded movement of Desert cat_ Felis silvestris ornata_ and Caracal _Felis caracal _using camera traps in human dominated corridors from Ranthambhore National Park to Kailadevi Wildlife Sanctuary, Western India. We obtained 9 caracal captures and one Desert cat capture in 360 camera trap nights. Our findings revels that presence of both cat species outside park in corridors was associated with functionality of corridor as well as availability of prey. Further the forest patches, ravines and undulating terrain supports dispersal of small mammals too. Desert cat and Caracals were more active late at night and during crepuscular hours. There was a difference in their activity between dusk and dawn. Since this is its kind of observation beyond parks regime we genuinely argue for conservation of corridors and its protection leads us to conserve both large as well as small cats in the region.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)