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Werdelin, L.
The evolution of lynxes
1981  Annales Zoologici Fennici (18): 37-71

The intra- and interspecific variation of certain felid species belonging to, or morphologically related to, the genus Lynx is studied with the help of bivariate and multivariate statistical methods. With this as a base, the major evolutionary patterns within Lynx are outlined and interpreted. The genus Lynx is considered to be of African origin. Its earliest occurrence is early or mid Pliocene. This species, _L. issiodorensis_, had lynx-like dental features, but skeletally resembled Felis. It migrated into the Northern Hemisphere and gave rise to several species. In Europe, _L. pardina_ is a direct descendant of _L. issiodorensis_. This transition is found to have involved a gradual reduction in size and relative lengthening of Mi, through the intermediates _L.i. valdamensis_ (ssp. n.) and _L.p. spelaea_. In Asia, L. issiodorensis gave rise to _L. lynx_. This latter species migrated into Europe and North America, on the latter continent giving rise to _L. canadensis_. The differences between _L. lynx_ and its ancestor and descendant are studied and interpreted. In North America, _L. issiodorensis_ gave rise to _L. rufus_. The first appearance of _Lynx_ in North America coincides with a postulated 2.6 Ma. mammalian dispersal event. Other Blancan _Lynx_ species are reviewed. _L. compressus_ is incorporated into _L. rufus_, while _L. calcaratus_ is separated into two groups, one incorporated into _L. rufus_, and the other tentatively into _F. yaguaroundi_. The caracal differs considerably from_ Lynx_, particularly in the relative size of the postorbital constriction. No evidence for a close phylogenetic relationship between _Caracal_ and _Lynx_ has been found. Very little sexual dimorphism was found in _Lynx_. Geographical variation was also found to be small, and it is suggested that the subspecies of recent _Lynx_ are in need of thorough revision.

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