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Rimoldi, P.G.; Chimento, N.R.
Record of four species of Felidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) in an "Espartillar" of the Carcarana River basin, Santa Fe, Argentina
2015  Historia natural (5): 59-77

In this work it is known the specific richness and relative abundance of felines inhabiting a remanent of halophilic communities of "espartillar" in the Carcara¤  river basin (32ø35'22"S - 61ø50'37"W), province of Santa Fe, Argentina. The methodology used consisted of standardized walks of lineal transects looking for activity signals (faeces, tracks and other indirect signals), direct observations, interviews and trap cameras. With the results it was possible to establish register of four species of felines (_Puma concolor, Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Leopardus geoffroyi and Lynchailurus pajeros_) and their association with different environmental variations. Through this information this area was established as the only place in the basin where the former species of Felidae described can be found. Thus, the area is taken with ecological relevance for future works of investigation.

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