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Olarte-Gonzalez, G.; Escovar-Fadul, T.; Balaguera-Reina, S.A.
First record of _Puma concolor_ Linneus, 1771 (Carnivora: Felidae) preying _Odocoileus virginianus_ (Zimmermann, 1780) on a palm-oil plantation in the Meta department, Colombia
2015  Mammalogy Notes (2): 8-10

Colombia is currently the fourth palm oil crop producer in the world and the top producer in South America (Torres-Carrasco et al. 2013), leading to an accelerated series of changes in many landscapes (Balaguera-Reina & Gonz lez-Maya 2010). To date few studies have assessed biodiversity in palm-oil plantations in the country, in which large and medium-sized felids _(Panthera onca, Leopardus pardalis_, and _Puma yagouaroundi_) have been recorded, however, pumas (_Puma concolor)_ have been exclusively recorded in forests and forest-edges (Boron & Pay n 2012). Nevertheless, studies regarding ecological interactions and use by these species in these human-made landscapes are still missing. r. On April 14th at 18h33, an adult male puma, approximately 80 cm in shoulder height and 176 cm in length (estimated based on fixed references in the picture), was captured by the camera while eating the carcass of an adult female white-tailed deer _Odocoileus virginianus_ in a palm-oil plantation.

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