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Farias, V.; Tellez, O.; Botello, F.; Hernandez, O.; Berruecos, J.; Olivares, S.J.; Hernandez, J.C.
First records of 4 felid species in southern Puebla, Mexico
2015  Rev.Mex:Biodiv. (86): 1065-1071

The first records of margay (_Leopardus wiedii_), bobcat (_Lynx rufus_), cougar (_Puma concolor_), and jaguarundi (_Puma yagouaroundi_) in the southern state of Puebla are presented. Field work was achieved by participative monitoring in collaboration with local authorities. A total of 11 stations of digital camera traps were set up that worked from December 18th, 2012 thru February 19th, 2014. With a sampling effort of 2,669 trap-days and with the presence data obtained it was possible to document for the first time the presence of 4 felid species for the region through 3 records of _L. wiedii_, 26 of _L. rufus_, 7 of _P. concolor_, and 4 of _P. yagouaroundi_. It was also possible to document the presence of one adult female of _P. concolor_ with her 2 kittens. The known distribution ranges of_ L. wiedii _and_ P. yagouaroundi _were enlarged for central M‚xico. The identified species coexist in the tropical dry forest of San Jos‚ Axuxco within the limits of Tehuac n-Cuicatl n biosphere reserve. The locality is potentially a priority for the conservation of populations of endangered felids in the region.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)