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Farhadinia, M.S.; Alinezhad, H.; Hadipour, E.; Memarian, I.; Ostrowski, S.; Hobeali, K.; Dadashi-Jourdehi, A.; Johnson, P.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Hunter, L.T.B.
Intraspecific killing among Leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in Iran (_Mammalia: Felidae_)
2018  Zoology in the Middle East (64): 189-194

Intraspecific aggression is one of the most common causes of death in leopards. Here, we report four cases of intraspecific killing amongst Persian Leopards (_Panthera pardus saxicolor_) in Iran. A young male leopard was found on 7 June 2008 which, according to camera trap images, had been killed by an adult male over a Red Deer (_Cervus elaphus) _kill, with trauma to his neck in Dorfak No-Hunting Area. A young female that had been fitted with a satellite GPS collar on 6 December 2015 in Tandoureh National Park died on 29 January 2016 at a site where an Urial Sheep (_Ovis orientalis_) ram had been freshly killed. Necropsy results, footprints at the scene of death and camera trap footage all supported the deduction that the animal was killed by a larger female leopard at the kill site. On 13 January 2017, a young, partially eaten female leopard was found with double puncture on the side of her throat. Finally, a rehabilitated adult female fitted with a satellite GPS collar found on 19 December 2017 with a double puncture on her head with several trauma and haemorrhages on her back. These instances seem to be the first documented reports of intraspecific killing among free-ranging leopards in Asia.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)