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Cervera, L.; Lizcano, D.J.; Pares-Jimenez, V.; Espinoza, S.; de la Montana, E.; Griffith, D.M.
A camera trap assessment of terrestrial mammals in Machalilla National Park, western Ecuador
2016  Check List (12): 1-8

Understanding the abundance, geographic distribution, and conservation status of terrestrial mammals is vital to promote effective wildlife management in protected areas. Located in the Tumbes-Choc¢Magdalena hotspot of western Ecuador, Machalilla National Park contains high levels of biodiversity and endemism but suffers from habitat loss and degradation. This study provides an updated inventory of medium-sized to large mammals in the park and assesses changes in species richness over the past 20 years. Surveying 70% of Machalilla's 562 km2 terrestrial area with 60 camera-trap points, we detected 18 species of mammals belonging to 13 families. Richness of terrestrial species has declined in recent decades, due to the disappearance of keystone species like jaguar (_Panthera onca_), white-lipped peccary (_Tayassu pecari_), and possibly the Sechuran fox (_Lycalopex sechurae_). We recommend specific management improvements to ensure conservation of the unique ecosystems and biodiversity of Machalilla, the only national park in Ecuador containing dry forest.

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