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Zhou, S.; Sun, H.; Zhang, M.; Lu, X.; Yang, J.; Li, L.
Regional distribution and population size fluctuation of wild Amur tiger in Heilongjiang Province
2008  Acta Theriologica Sinica (28): 165-173

We inspected regional distributions and population sizes of wild Amur tiger (_Panthera tigris altaica_) by partitioning the monitor regions and identified individuals of wild Amur tiger through measuring front pad widths from 2005 to 2006. The results shown that there were 12 - 14 wild Amur tigers in Heilongjiang Province. The Eastern Wandashan population includes 5-6 individuals (2 males, 2 females and 1-2 subadults). The Southen Laoyeling population comprised 3-4 (1-2 males, 1 female and 1 subadult). The Northern Laoyeling population had 4 individuals (about 2 males and 2 females). No individuals were monitored in Southern Zangguangcailing. The distribution regions and population sizes of wild Amur tiger in 2005-2006 (12-14) have changed comparing with those in the past few years. Among the four regions, wild Amur tigers distributed in Northern Laoyeling again. However, no activity was found in Southern Zahnguangcailing region, perhaps there have no population distribution. The population sizes increased slightly in Eastern Wandashan, Southern Laoyeling and Northern Laoyeling, but declined in Southern Zangguangcailing.

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