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Northern Rockies Lynx Management Direction - Record of Decision
2007  Full Book

Management Direction Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) (pp. 35 to 40), with modifications. We modified Alternative F, Scenario 2 and incorporated the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Terms and Conditions (USDI FWS 2007), where applicable, into the management direction - see Attachment 1- hereafter called the _selected alternative_. We determined the selected alternative provides direction that contributes to conservation and recovery of Canada lynx in the Northern Rockies ecosystem, meets the Purpose and Need, responds to public concerns, and is consistent with applicable laws and policies. In the FEIS we analyzed six alternatives in detail and two scenarios for Alternative F. Of those, we determined Alternative F Scenario 2 is the best choice. With this decision, we are incorporating the goal, objectives, standards, and guidelines of the selected alternative into the existing plans of all National Forests in the Northern Rockies Lynx Planning Area - see Figure 1-1, FEIS, Vol. 1 Tables 1-1 and 1-2. The direction applies to mapped lynx habitat on National Forest System land presently occupied by Canada lynx, as defined by the _Amended Lynx Conservation Agreement between the Forest Service and the FWS _(USDA FS and USDI FWS 2006). When National Forests are designing management actions in unoccupied mapped lynx habitat they should consider the lynx direction, especially the direction regarding linkage habitat. If and when those National Forest System lands become occupied, based upon criteria and evidence described in the Conservation Agreement, the direction shall then be applied to those forests. If a conflict exists between this management direction and an existing plan, the more restrictive direction will apply. The detailed rationale for our decision, found further in this document, explains how the selected alternative best meets our decision criteria. Those decision criteria are: 1) meeting the Purpose and Need to provide management direction that conserves and promotes the recovery of Canada lynx while preserving the overall multiple use direction in existing plans; 2) responding to the issues; and 3) responding to public concerns.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)