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Tyler, H.
A panther and a buffalo
1908  Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (18): 670-671

The following incident which occurred a few days ago, seems to me so extraordinary that it deserves to be recorded: I was sitting up over the carcase of a bullock which had been killed by a panther about 100 yards from a village. Just as it had got quite dark, I saw three or four village buffaloes approach the kill, and begin grazing some twenty yards away. As I was watching the buffaloes, I suddenly made out the form of the panther as it came up to the kill. Simultaneously one of the buffaloes noticed it, and snorting loudly advanced towards it. The panther immediately decamped, and the buffalo went on grazing. In a minute or two the panther returned and lay down beside the dead bullock, in which position I could no longer make it out. Presently the buffalo grazed up to within five paces of the kill, as it took notice of the panther, I concluded that the brute had sneaked off unobserved by me. At this moment however I heard a crunch, as the panther started to feed. The buffalo looked up, and advanced a pace towards the kill. The panther continued its meal, and the buffalo, after a prolonged stare, went on grazing, paying no more attention to the panther than if it was a pariah dog. It was actually grazing within five yards of the panther, and broadside on to it.

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