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Sanderson, G.P.
Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India
1893  Full Book

I have dealt at some length upon the habits when wild, the mode of capture and training, and the management and conduct in captivity, of the elephant. The popular interest felt in that animal is perhaps more general than that attaching to any other, whilst regarding none are there more fallacies and erroneous impressions. Few writers have been in a position to deal with the subject in all its branches. Many sportsmen have shot large numbers of elephants, but have given us little information about their nature, disposition, and habits - matters with which it was at once my duty as a public servant, and my delight as a sportsman, to acquaint myself. In the chapters on the other wild animals with which I have dealt I have separated my observations on their habits, and recitals of adventures with them, as I believe that arrangement will be a convenient one for all readers, whether lovers of natural history or of mere tales of adventure. I have endeavoured to select incidents in hunting the various animals illustrative of their dispositions and habits; and though in turning over the leaves of my journal the temptation to introduce more scenes of contest between rifle and wild beast has been considerable, I trust none will complain that my butcher's bill is too long! I have given short accounts of the jungle-tribes with whom I have associated in pursuing their scarcely wilder fellow-inhabitants of the forests; and as my recitals will be more intelligible when my readers have been introduced to the country in which most of the incidents chronicled have occurred, I shall venture to devote a short chapter to a sketch of the province of Mysore.

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