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Sanchez, A.; Vasquez, P.
Presi¢n de caza de la comunidad nativa Mushuckllacta de Chipaota, zona de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul, Per£
2007  Ecologia Aplicada (6): 131-138

This study determined the hunting pressure for the year 2005, of the Mushuckllacta de Chipaota native community, located in the buffer zone of the Cordillera Azul National Park - Peru. Hunted animals were registered, and censuses were made in three different regions of the study area, using nMDS and ANOSIM statistical tests to assess differences between regions. Significant differences where found; suggesting disturbances in the wild fauna community related to their closeness to the main populated centers. Global densities were estimated for 13 species. Taking densities from the "south-region" (identified as one with lowest human intervention) and also considering values in the literature (Robinson & Redford, 1991) a Sustainable Model was generated which indicated that the hunting of _Mazama americana, Agouti paca, Eira barbara _and _Leopardus pardalis _was not sustainable. It is also showed that 15 species are under local extinction processes; and that it is quite probable that _Ateles _sp., _Psophia leucoptera, Pipile cumanenses _and _Aburria aburri _had been extirpated from the area used by the community.

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